From humble beginnings, the Elf has shifted into high gear, creating a frenzy and adding holiday stress for too-busy parents.
The first rule of this Christmas icon is: you can’t touch Elf. Second rule is Elf will not speak or move while you are awake.
Remember, this Elf was sent from the North Pole to watch over your little ones and report back each night to Santa on your children’s behavior that day. Then Elf magically reappears the next day in a new position….and the crazier the setting, the better.

We found our Elf on the Shelf melting his cares away in a giant hot chocolate marshmallow bath.
We found our Elf in a once-full, now empty box of Oreos.
We found our Elf on a zipline of thread sliding high across the kitchen

In a world gone crazy, harried parents deserve a real break. Especially from a demanding little Elf at Christmas.
But wait! There’s more good news!
Do you know there is a birthday Elf? Yes! The Elf on the Shelf: A Birthday Tradition! This means you can resurface your Elf for 24 hours to help celebrate your child’s special day before Elf heads back to the North Pole.
Bet you can hardly wait to start that new tradition on your child’s next birthday.